Critical Asian Studies (formerly the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that welcomes submissions about all areas of Asia and the Pacific, particularly those that challenge the accepted formulas for understanding these regions, the world, and ourselves. Published now by Taylor & Francis, Critical Asian Studies remains true to the mission that was articulated for the journal upon its establishment in 1967 by the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars:
to develop a humane and knowledgeable understanding of Asian societies and their efforts to maintain cultural integrity and to confront such problems as poverty, oppression, and imperialism.
to create alternatives to the prevailing trends in scholarship on Asia, which too often spring from a parochial cultural perspective and serve selfish interests and expansionism.
2023 Impact Factor: 1.7
CAS ranks 18th out of 176 major peer-reviewed regional studies journals.
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What we Publish
Critical Asian Studies welcomes contributions that:
Rest on a strong knowledge base about the Asia Pacific region and Asian peoples;
Are written in clear, concise prose that is accessible to a linguistically and culturally diverse readership;
Ground theoretical perspectives in evidence, experiential knowledge, or practice;
Display a coherent, informed, and thoughtful argument;
Provide a fresh understanding of various forms of power and exploitation, such as war or oppression based on socio-economic class, race, or gender, and of responses to them, including but not limited to environmentalism, feminism, human rights, participatory development, political and economic justice, and Indigeneity;
Focus on questions surrounding power, exploitation and oppression, as well as responses to these.
Interested in submitting to our website?
We welcome commentaries on contemporary affairs in the Asian region, editorials, letters to the editor, photographic essays, and other original material that reflects the aspirations and goals set forth in our statement of purpose. For inquiries, please email Tristan R. Grunow at
Please visit our commentary page for our latest postings, our contents page for a description of our current print edition, and our BCAS page for free access to the entire print run of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. To access and download CAS articles in print, visit our Taylor & Francis homepage.